Friday, May 06, 2005

Moving to Downtown Montreal

Mai 6th

Left my African-American friend from TN stuck w/ the woman who slept with her eyes open at the hostel & moved to the McGill Residence- Royal Victoria College. It was just not a pretty sight to see me carrying 1 20kg luggage + 5kg luggage down from the 2nd floor of my dorm to the lobby level & to the street level. The sky was beautiful. I waited for bus 24 to take me to the front door of the McGill Rez. It was a lot of dragging and a lot of "Pardon".. "Je suis desole." but I managed to drop my 2 heavy burdens at the Rez (just 2 steps away from the music building). Now, a new day has begun.

I went to the practice rooms to play piano. McGill music practice rooms occupy 2 floors of one of the wings of the building. & I had to activate my McGill student ID so that my ID card could get me to those floors ( you need the ID to get on the elevator to those floors & you need to open the doorsif you walk from stairs). It's more high-tech than UBC in that sense. But the rest are not much different.

Almost fell asleep in class today. I felt so sorry for the prof. He's great. I was just tired. I couldn't wait to move in to my room in the RVC rez. It was great that I got a room all to myself. But it sucked how there was no kitchen, no pots, no plates, no utensils, no water, no breakfast, no food. This place SUCKS. I like the hostel better. Although it was a bit far from the campus, & although I had to share a room with 5 other people and a bit inconvenient, at least there were people to talk to, there was breakfast, there were stoves, pots, tea, water, salt, pepper, OMG. I don't know how I'm going to be able to survive for the next 30 nights with a microwave and a fridge. I don't want to eat out every night!

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Looking at the Royal Victoria College courtyard from a window a few steps away from the elevator.

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My "beau" room. It's comfy but it just looks a bit too plain.. & the green pad reminds me of hospital bed.

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My window beside my desk/shelves + a small fridge. I don't like living too close to the ground level 'cause I can never really fully open the curtain. There are always people walking outside..even late at night!

I went to get some dinner + groceries. I can't believe I walked 5 blocks just to get some groceries. & went out at 10pm to Janice appartment to get some microwavable plates & bowls. I can't believe I was holding a bunch of plates walking on the street of Downtown on a late Friday night! I would NEVER do any of that in Vancouver. This is crazy. & all the sirens.. and screeching brakes.. Montrealers seem to drive more aggresively..

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