Saturday, May 14, 2005

A Pact with the Weather

Mai 14 (Samedi)

I made a pact with the weather last night. If it's sunny and if I wake up between 7-8am, I would go to the Biodome, Botanical Garden, Olympic Park & all that jazz. If it's not sunny or if I wake up later than 8am, then I'm just going to study hard core for the whole weekend.

Guess what? The weather gave me a reply & rained hard core today. It was freezing cold last night too. I experienced the same unavoidable- freezing-cold-wind during my first night stay at Montreal. No more!

My prof reminds me of a friend whom I hardly see nowadays.. the way he acts, talks, looks at people, plays his instrument, etc. It's freaky. It's strange now I think about it. The world is so small. You see shadows of people you know even in strangers.

I can't believe I've been here for 2 weeks already! It just felt that I've been here only for a week or so. Looking out my window, I think the warmest scene I see is when a father holds the little hand of his kid, walking back home. I miss my family but I don't want to go back.. back where? My sister is on the other end of the continent. My parents are on the other end of the Pacific Ocean. Where is home? Home is where my family is. But we're like stretched elastic bands; 'tho far in physical distance, we're always close in our hearts.

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A "sepia" view of the buildings opposite from my window. Isn't it a bit nostalgic?


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